KC Dunks No. 1
Day one:
Alright so here is a color ruff of what i had in mind to paint the kicks, nothing too crazy, I'm tryna make sure i get a good handle on these before i can wildout. Heres the 5 colors I ordered, the yellow and red are mighty watery so I couldn't flex the warm colors as much, but the turquose and pale blue come through mighty nice, I'm starting to mix some colors but its kinda lame without white. As easy as it may seem to paint these junks its a freak'n tedious process cause you gotta spend a good time scrub'n off the shoe gloss coating with acetone (the coating that will prevent the paint from sticking to the shoe). So after a few hours of scrub'n and get'n lift'd off the acetone fumes, you get to paint. But even that can be a prick cause you got to lay down atleast 3-4 layers to get an even coat. fun stuff I say, I'm amp'd to not mess these kicks up, the aim is to finish by friday. We'll see. Here's some flics and a hot asian chic hold'n a kick <---floating light bulb: KLAIMCO MODELS ?!?!
"curlies 2006, brought to you by KLAIMCO" -bags empty brown bag'n it