S.I. 4
Our photographer shot all my pieces I brought in PROfessioinally, and damn, it's the best they've looked. Today I ate a little caifornia pizza kitchen, had a beer, and checked out the guess store in beautiful downtown ATL all on lunch. The f'n life right here. livin it. real big. We are getting Vanity Fair model work "underwear not magazine" sooo I am going to be retouching alot of Victoria Secret type of work. Making skinny curlies skinnier or less skinny as I please. Did some arby's retouching yesterday, nothing so far today but retouch my whole portfolio for the companies use. Pretty sweeet.
The gun is probably not done, but it is. here is the new final for the CD, DF, if you like this version better, tell me and we will go with this one. if not, I'm giving it to Romana soon. she likes it. Check out new Kent Williams piece. oh my...Also worked on my 3x4 last night and I'm excited to face it tonight. It's got to be a good one.