What does it do?! Ben-good convo, get sleep haha....Big Red and Undoboy- thanks for the feedback on Charlie Baker, We'll diff get at ya once stuff is more off the ground. Cabage-I'll send the Curlies package in a few days, Burt-deez- MOVE TO NY NOW!, the music is calling you! Doug- tell burt-deez to move in with you! SI-Tell Burt-Deez to move to NY, Dusty- How was the trip to ATL?
Bags: took flics today at this train spot down the street from where i stay, they had some decent graff today. I saw some really dope ones early that day when I drove by, wanted to take flics but the train moved, I was pissed- enjoy for now..
After the graf, is flics of my room I'm locked up in, first is a wall of ideas and drawings in the works, next is the inspo, then off to the "B-2 X B-43 " Skatedeck still in the works, then paintings that need to finished, then last a drawing I'm bout to paint over. I'm tired as shht...haha, off to slumberland folks,