ajo (bagger lingo), so here is my normal routine update. went outta town this weekend it all worked out pretty well. D$ found this volvo fanatic on craigslist named tom. the trade was to give D$ an engine (and install) for this 1970 140 volvo then give tom his current 1981 240 volvo. i went off on my bike and took some photos. got my freight train on. pretty fun...
stay grand,
*dumpster funk windsurfing team.
**they worked from 8am-6am on this engine swap
shine shine hush hush ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

this mural is raw ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

renk sfr heading west @ 60 miles an hour ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

don't front on front street^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

don't fake: them boyz at war ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

don't swim if you don't know how ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

sparkle motion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

logo check ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

goofy drawings: then put in my pocket ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

i like volvos^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

dont play (act tuff with a burrito in your pocket) ^^^^^^^^^^^^