+++ Killa Klaim +++
What does it do?! Back from FL. The trip was mighty grand! Pretty much just hung out with my girl the whole week and ran through the campus chat'n it it up with students, teachers and the locals. It was kinda weird being back on campus, like all my past years of being there made me realize how old I am :|. They have this 5 story building in the middle of the campus, that junk towers Ringling. They are spoiling these kids man, George Pratt is teaching classes, all the freshman get laptops to keep for the duration of their attendance at ringling, apparently in 5 story building they plan to have a Starrbucks on the first floor along with this Deli place, like what the fuc?! The artist Amano is visiting in a few weeks to do a lecture, and umm.. word on the street has it James Jean is coming in the spring to judge the Best of Ringling, damn damn damn.....the school is attracted crowds by the numbers I say. Oh and say guys we made this year 's catalog, DF, 43, the Enjoi crew, Cabege and SI, we raid'd the pages, people like us apparently :) Ringling celebrity status.....funny.....But yeah I got to do a a lil work while I was there, I hooke'd up a poster, doodled, and made a mini painting which I will post below. To sum things up in a nutshell, it was a nice trip, nice building with people, nice quality time with the lady, nice semi-producto time and nice to be inspired by a place full of creatives. I even got the chance to inspire some kids, i think, I was a guest speaker for Mr. Thiel portfolio classes haha...the theme of the class that day was about promotion and such, so I spilled my guts to help out with what i can. Oh and I even got to see an art show the local kids put together, it was like a mini-early-best of ringling.....it was cool, few grand pieces. Oh yeah and Ben: I linked up with that kid Anthony Zollo, the fine art kid that made these wooden dudes,

The test for MB, I'm still waiting feedback, I'm like on my tippy-toes cause its been a nice while since I got any word, "fingers crossed" we'll see, I'll keep ya'll posted on the skinny
what else, umm...I'm in the mood to share some stuff so I scan'd all this work in progress...I'll be grind'n for a bit but I'm gitty...yes yes yes...alright on to the imagery, pass off the inspo: