+++Posting live from SA Town+++
Ajos gang, back in the SA Town from an extended trip out in the FL. Fun times catch'n up with my girl, Fl friends, and such but I'm ready to get stationary. I got a few weeks here then I'm wrap'n up things/projects andmake'n the SF trip happen. On with the post:
Here's a line of Tees I'm doing with D3, from my understanding these are being printed as you read, if the production goes smooth I'll have some to fire out to you guys. Pass me the addy /size and/color for the records.
I got this book the other day at a local half priced book store and thought it might be of interest. It was like 8 bucks but its ton of all these international/vintage/dope match box scans. Like over 200 pages of them. If you guys are interested in cop'n some I'll go back and rack them up for ya. 

Got this in the mail the other day too, another De Fish mag. The cover made me laugh, not too hot, but we got a free page published. 1UP on promotion in the Euro. 
And to end the post here is a few flicks from Sota:
the new building on campus, its freak'n huge!
Here's a wall I did a year ago for D3 . Not really the greatest of pieces but its whatever. The robot walker was cool to work on though. They wanted me to draw up this 3 headed kid walking through the city on this robot walker using these colors. Took bout 3-4 days to knockout
The Sota Beach
all for now, stay healthty
PS: I am a rapper "HAACWON BITCH!" hahahahahaaa....but nah I am one, (BOX REB) My friend Wes in Orlando used me for his portfolio.