this was take'n actually in Austin^
Yup still in SA Town. I'm not gonna say when I'm hitting the road, but lets just say I will be hitting the road shortly...seriously like really soon. This painting below is part of the reason why I'm still in town, finally finished it. Its for this artist/publisher Alberto, we meet at a comicbook convention last year. He does some pretty cool drawings of women, produces books out his collective, sales them at comic conventions/net. He recently started his own publishing company and put together this call for entries book tittled "Eyecady from Strangers 1.0", this piece is gonna be an alternate cover. The theme of the book is "the art of women" and should be out this summer. Meanwhile I have the freedom to design the text to go along with the image, if anyone wants to help with the text treatment I'll buy you ice cream, better yet green waffles from the "spot" via SF, just let me know.
Aside from the painting I had two commissions come through from two different magazines. (Imagine FX and Scratch) Which explains what I've been up to since I've been back from Florida. Bizzy, haha yeaaah maybe. I'll post flicks of those once the mags come out this summer.
In other news: I had these pics chill'n on the comp, figure I'd share:
"OK Mountain" in Austin a couple weeks back, they get down on the art tip.

and inside...
aaand inside...
SA had this sneaker show not too long ago, a Reebok rep was there and had these on display: Voltron series, no lie, really...hmm might cop the black air pumps
