hey, sad sad new...
i just got out mixed by my uncle. such a radical person. he tuned frank sinatras piano back in the day & does all this experimental music with data controlling the music. now he is a web/i.t. dude @ cornell. my aunt is a kindergarten teacher & writes childrens books. she does music too. they wrote a song called 'ben' when i was born (i need to get a copy of that song its really good. its on a cassette somewhere). anyhoot, we traded mixes. i went first. then he sent me all these (images below). totally one upping me! & he designed all the album covers (he knows whats up). it said "something for the drive" on the envelope. 8 discs for the 8 hour trip i am going on tuesday to their house for thanksgiving. should be fun. more soon. stay tuned. have grand weekends friends...
dumpster funk rejects.
**the mix titles include: ben there, done that\ben 4 all seasons\now you tell me\some velvet dylan cowboy duets\no you didn't\ & pop life. i'll post a couple of them if your interested. the playlists look awesome. excited to check them out.