Got these books in the mail the other day. Took a bit to get the Popgun annual, but it was worth the wait. In my youth, Image Comics and all its hype helped carry the drive for my love of drawing. A decade and some change later, I'm honored to have an small feature in one of their trades (As infinitesimal as it may be). Same goes with Communication Arts. In my early years of college I used to look through Comm Arts with hopes to one day share a spot amongst other fellow creatives and established artist. I slept on submitting over the years but finally sent an image in. To Comm Arts and Image, thanks!

Its been an compelling summer so far, did a bit of traveling and have been going through some interesting life experiences, along side trying to balance living a bit with staying productive. The alluring summer festivities of NY really makes you want to set up camp outside. The abundance of it all makes it sooooo hard to stay in the lab and work, and I'm diff going through the motions!!! haha. With that said, I'm working on stuff for this upcoming show I'm doing with fellow artists/musicians Bryce Wymer and Mitchell Paone. Bryce and Mitch started a band/art collective called North American Wildlife. Byrce and I attend college together and we share a common interest in music and aspirations to create it. Long story short, Bryce extended an invited to partake in a past gig were I laced some vocals over or a couple of their jazzy melodic tracks. The gig went fairly well and now I'm a part of the crew. The skinny with this show in Chicago: we'll be having a art gallery show and sound tracking it with the three of us performing live. If your local in Chicago during Aug 7th, PLEASE do come out! I want to meet you people haha. The show will be at The Family Room Gallery. More info below: