good finds...
'american artist today' (1977) issue of Vision magazine (japan).
featuring: maurice sendak, otto storch, lousi dorfsman, carruthers roy, roi mckiy, david pascal, saul bass, toshihiro katayama, george tscherny, & other greats...
'the story of paul bunyan' (1963) by barbara & ed emberley.
the emberleys obtained the pine used in the woodcuts for this book on a trip to maine. where paul bunyan was supposedly born. mr. emberely found some old logs in a forest and carefully split them up by hand & carved them into his masterpieces (whoa).
*dumpster funk gardening.
good finds...
'american artist today' (1977) issue of Vision magazine (japan).
featuring: maurice sendak, otto storch, lousi dorfsman, carruthers roy, roi mckiy, david pascal, saul bass, toshihiro katayama, george tscherny, & other greats...
'the story of paul bunyan' (1963) by barbara & ed emberley.
the emberleys obtained the pine used in the woodcuts for this book on a trip to maine. where paul bunyan was supposedly born. mr. emberely found some old logs in a forest and carefully split them up by hand & carved them into his masterpieces (whoa).
*dumpster funk gardening.