I had the chance to kick it with these guys last week. They were in town here in SF briefly to knock-out this mural project, Andrew drove up from LA and Joao flew in from Brazil. I stopped by in the process. They endws up finishing this piece the next day. Mr. Ryan Graff organized this project, who was also present when I stopped by. It was a fun/dope night chop'n it up with these guys nerding on art, life, and whatnot. Art aside, Andrew, Joao, and Ryan are some really stellar folks, really fortunate I was able to hang out. Pictures below are just a sampler of the evening.

March 12 - April 30, 2011
Martha Otero Gallery
Had to the chance to venture out to LA last weekend with some friends, this is one of a few shows we had the chance to see, stunning show. Period.

Check this show out last Friday here in SF, another stunning show I was pleased to view. Such amazing imagery coming from this art program. Cheers to the talent. I'll try to gather the names of some of these artist drawings below, apologize in advance, some pieces didn't have names attached. :/ enjoy!
name and credit to this drawing below coming soon...apologizes
