jOHNNY23 Records celebrates 12 years of existence by releasing
70+ minutes of rare, new and exclusive music hosted by
All Elements super DJ J-Ronin. From its' inception in 1999,
this indy label from Brooklyn remains relevant by consistently
discovering edgy, uncompromising lyricists, and brilliant new producers
from around the world. The label is the very definition of "talent overload."
On "Riot Renaissance," veterans like LoDeck and JAKPROGRESSO,
are joined by hungry up-and-comers Boxguts, Bloody
Monk Consortium, C-Plexx, Mike220, Mag Owl, and Will Taubin. The leader of jOHNNY23 crew's
California chapter, 2Ugli, represents Chula Vista and blesses
the compilation with partner in crime, iLLRoot. Noted MCs
and producers from outside the camp, Timbo King, PH (Pumpkinhead), Pacewon,
and Blockhead also contribute exclusive cameos.
J-Ronin hosts, blends, and seamlessly navigates through an over-abundance of styles, drops,
and concepts to extract maximum adrenaline from a keen listener.
If you're a fan already, your appetite for rioting has already been peaked, but
if this is your first encounter with the jOHNNY23 crew, this release is a good
introduction crash course.