Time: 12:45 pm Last Train Outbound.
Place: Civic Center Metro Station.
An elderly crackhead was being ushered out of the station when our train
arrived at civic center. The muni employee, assailant was attempting to
remove said subject from the station at a very in opportune moment for
our elderly subject who no doubt had to get home and look after a hungry
family or something like that. She narrowly escaped on the train we arrived
in. As the train pulled away into the tunnel, suddenly, almost magically, 2
dollars were produced. “She lost her pants” I mentioned to the employee
of the market street railway, walkie-talkie raised to his lips in disappointment.
“She lost her fuckin’ mind more like it”, he replied. Upon further inspection
of the pants there seemed to be a shish-kebab lying untouched inside one of
the pants legs. Last Night...