04/29/18, 10:28 PM Eastern Standard Time


‘ SafeWay®Home ’ by B ASI N

B ASI N is Benjamin Niznik & Adam Isaac Shavin.
B ASI N Album (on Klaimco Records) S00N !!
Special Thanks to 9to5 ¬
[Derek Bruno, Pablo Gnecco, Eric Rabinowitz, Travis Broyles]
& 2 Georgia State University

Set Design by Derek Bruno


04/10/18, 7:42 PM Eastern Standard Time

Jan Cox¹ #watchhimspeakonyoutube

      Jan Cox² #watchhisfilmapainter'sodyssey

1. [1937 – 2OO5]  Philosopher of Atlanta, Georgia.
       2. [1919 – 198O]  Painter of The Hague, The Netherlands.
