So, WE’ll GO 0N:
So it’s the year 2122
We are in a rover rov’ing.
So very late into the night.
Through a field
But these aren’t rilly fields
It“s the 0NLY way 2 explain–it...
Picture a Field
Picture a Desert
Mixed; with floating roots.
The moon separated into 2 moons.
Humans needed 2, 2 survive.
The 1 m00n knew (all along)
sacrificed its 1image.
As a results… Tides change.
Lands Changed. New Countries, Formed.
With new IDEALs.
Old Countries with 0ld Ideas
vanished (like uh’ dust)
Q) Didit pr0gress or just exist ?
Maybees, LilÆ of b0th.
Hop out the rover
But don’t forget your sword.
2Protect thy soul.
2 breath in a breath
You must get some–rest.
Then gather; Gather ALL around.
Yr not indoors; 0utd00rs.
Floating around. Thr0ugh the night.
The day d0esn’t return —
The day d0esn’t return —The 2 M00NS won”t let it.
We don”t see any–thing.
Yet we”ll get back into the rover.
N0light, 0nly rolling… aroundround 3arth.
By the light of [((]m00n/S